German Design award fr For the Kent table
The premium price of the German Design Council
KEnt – German Design Award
KENT, designed by Wolfgang C. R. Mezger, is an exciting new way to experience a table. The partly asymmetrical tabletops createnew seating arrangements and thus open up new perspectives for the guests sitting at thetable. The fascinating thing about the KENT idea is that it first creates e xciting asymmetricalshapes and then to find a harmonious balance through carefully considered arrangements.The stone finishes almost appear more elegant due to the asymmetry of the tabletops andconvey an impressive aesthetic experience thanks to their v eining and color. The tableconcept opens, beyond from the banal routine of symmetry, towards new inspiring andcommunicative situations.In combination with the baseconsisting of two half shells made of cast aluminum eachshape of the tabletop has an overall sculptural appearance that makes the KENT look verylight and delicate

The German Design Award is the top international prize of the German Design Council. Its goal: to iscover, present and honour unique design trends. Therefore, every year, top-quality entries from product and communication design are rewarded, all of which are in their own way ground-breaking in the international design landscape. Launched in 2012, the German Design Award is one of the most wellrespected design competitions in the world and is held in high regard well beyond professional circles.
The competition sets the highest standards when it comes to selecting the prize-winners: thanks to the
unique nomination process, products and communication design services are only invited to participate
if they stand out demonstrably thanks to their design quality.
An adequate number of distinctions in each category will receive the Winner award. In each category of
the German Design Award, the Winners are selected by a separate jury of experts.