Ron Arad
Rond Arad, born 1951, studied at Jerusalem Academy of Art. After he moved to London he studied archtecture. In 1981 together with Caroline Thorman he founded „Established One Off Ltd.“ in London, later he founded the offices Ron Arad Associates and Ron Arad Studio. Main emphasis of his work are product design and and his work as a designer for entire interieurs such as hotels. He continues to lecture on his work regularly at universities and design schools worldwide.
Well known pieces include the popular ‘Bookworm’ for Kartell.
„I neither want to bore anybody nor me."
- Finalist for the 2002 World Technology Award for Design
- Oribe Art & Design Award, Japan
- Gio Ponti International Design Award, Denver
- Barcelona Primavera International Award for Design
- Co-winner of Perrier Jouët Selfridges Design Prize, London
- Design Plus Award, Frankfurt/Main; Internationaler Designpreis Baden-Württemberg, Design Center Stuttgart
- Designer of the Year, Salon du Meuble, Paris
- Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Pari
- Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhei
- Musée National d’Art Moderne/Centre Georges Pompidou, Pari
- Fond National d’Art Contemporain, Pari
- Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Montrea
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yor
- Victoria and Albert Museum, Londo
- Stedelijk Museum, Amsterda
- Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Avi
- Rohska Museum, Gothenburg
- Powerhouse, Sydney
- Trienale, Milan
- Design Museum, London
- Design Museum, Osak
- Daneben gab es in unzähligen Museen auf der ganzen Welt “One Man Shows” mit Ron Arad.