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Azul Aran

The close-up view of each stone type shows a relatively true image of the crystalline structure and the colouring. This is suitable for grained slabs to a limited extend only. In regard to the colour matching, please take an original sample of the stone from your furniture store as a basis.


Pegmatite is gait-type deposited coarse to giant grain, deposited gait-type form in deep rocks with feldspars, quartz and some mica. In addition, they often contain rare minerals and precious stones with beautifully shaped crystals. Pegmatite gaits seldom reach widths of over 10 m thickness in the base rocks. Azul Aran is a special case, as it shows a relatively uniform structure over a large extent: Blue-grey, very coarse-crystalline areas of potash feldspar and transparent quartz alternate with also coarse-crystalline white feldspars and inclusions of up to 5 cm in size, black-grey biotite needles (dark mica). Finely distributed muscovite scales (light mica) give the rock a silvery shine. Despite its optical advantages, Azul Aran shows two disadvantages: On the one hand, brown discolouring may occur around the iron-containing biotite and on the other hand, mica scales continue to brake off during sawing and polishing from not dimensioned plates and bottom plates und small craters appear. 


Pegmatite is interpreted as residual melts, which entered at the start of cooling down into the clefts and gaits after the granite magma had risen and slowly crystallised there. Due to special geo-chemical circumstances, 'giant crystals' formed from feldspar, quartz and mica. Azul Aran is an exception, as it is an unusually large deposit of Pegmatite. It is assumed that the residual melt entered in the shape of a hilltop into the lower portion of the granite magma and made space for itself, as the boundary areas of the granite were melted again due to the high temperature.

Price group 4a
Colour white
Hardness Hard Stone
Structure Type Slab with Irregular Pattern
Outdoor suitable
Synonyms Salvador, Silver Blue, Valdaran
Group Granite
Petrographic Assignment Granit/Granite
Age 320 million years (carboniferous)
Deposit Spanien
Novelty No

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