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Azul Imperial

The close-up view of each stone type shows a relatively true image of the crystalline structure and the colouring. This is suitable for grained slabs to a limited extend only. In regard to the colour matching, please take an original sample of the stone from your furniture store as a basis.


Every lover of rare rocks knows the blue Brazilian quartzite. Azul Imperial is in all parts equal to the Azul de Macauba, but differs by the bluish-violet portions and blue-green turquoise, wave-shaped markings. The blue-violet colour is created by the disthene mineral cyanite; the blue veins by traces of dumortierite. The green-turquoise shades result from the interaction with the yellow titanium oxide rutile. 


Azul Imperial has been generated from a quartz-rich sandstone massif by metamorphosis. The single quartz grains of the sandstone fused together at the edges due to pressure and high temperatures, by which the very high strength, typical for quartzite, has been generated. The original sandstone mountain range contained low concentrations of aluminium, from which the blue colouring silicate mineral disthene (cyanite) has been generated during the metamorphosis in combination with quartz.

Price group 6
Colour blue
Hardness Hard Stone
Structure Type Slab with Irregular Pattern
Outdoor suitable
Synonyms Blue Imperial
Group Quartzite
Petrographic Assignment Quarzit/Quartzite
Age 1.4 Billion years (Pre-Cambrian)
Deposit Brasilien
Novelty No
Colour blue
Hardness Hard Stone
Structure Type Slab with Irregular Pattern
Synonyms Blue Imperial
Group Quartzite
Petrographic Assignment Quarzit/Quartzite
Age 1.4 Billion years (Pre-Cambrian)
Deposit Brasilien